
Dayz standalone 0.60
Dayz standalone 0.60

IMPORTANT: to successfully log on to the server, the server must contain the same version crack. Start !Start_client_game.cmd for start game with crack Edit parameter CommandLine in this file for your needs.ĬommandLine = For load main menu game with start BattlEye set him:ĬommandLine = 0 2 For connect to selected server with your nickname and start BattlEye:ĬommandLine = 0 2 -connect= -port=2302 -name=Alex For connect to selected server with your nickname and without start BattlEyeĬommandLine = -connect= -port=2302 -name=Alex WARNING: For start game with battleye you need in string Targed replase DayZ_圆4.exe to DayZ_BE.exeĤ. SteamClientPath64 = D:\Steam\steamapps\common\racked\DayZ_02_Client\SmartSteamEmu\SmartSteamEmu64.dll In ways to the folder with the game should not be any characters except Latin alphabet or digits (no spaces)ģ.

dayz standalone 0.60

SteamClientPath = D:\Steam\steamapps\common\racked\DayZ_02_Client\SmartSteamEmu\SmartSteamEmu.dll StartIn = D:\Steam\steamapps\common\racked\DayZ_02_Client\ĬommandLine = -connect= -port=2302 -name=Alex Target = D:\Steam\steamapps\common\racked\DayZ_02_Client\DayZ_圆4.exe

#Dayz standalone 0.60 Patch

Edit with notepad (better Notepad++) file !Start_client_parameters.ini and change patch to directory game (replase D:\Steam\steamapps\common\racked\DayZ_02_Client on your patch): Unpack files and copy files from directory client in directory gameĢ. !0egnSSaZ!P1n-rD5c5JSYJbkRA6ifOVCO4jYyOf2GDfHwmisAXWIġ.

dayz standalone 0.60 dayz standalone 0.60

Mega.nz: !ZagiUJZL!4DBGFIYV_dEUJPBukKp6b9J7futHdpF3kUnKtC6sA-gĬrack SmartSteamEmu from client and server this version game: Here is the full clear Client files for DayZ Standalone v 13 from Steam ( Without crack):

Dayz standalone 0.60